The perfect triple boot!

The perfect triple boot!

Spent a few days fixing everything and ironing out bugs and now I have a fully functional triple boot setup with everything working! A big thank you to the people of community (a shout to u/itspussynotpussy for helping me fix the framebuffer issue)!

Laptop: Lenovo Ideapad 710S 13ISK (i7 6560U, Iris 540, 8GB LPDD3, 512GB NVMe Samsung PM951 SSD, Intel 8260 Wifi+Bluetooth)

What doesn't work:

- Brightness hotkeys, but I mapped them to page up and down using Karabiner Elements so I have no issues now. Can fix this by DSDT patching which I will try later.

-Also at times the screen flickers a bit at low brightness. This is also pretty okay, since it doesn't happen much and doesn't bother me.

-Four finger trackpad gestures, but 2/3 finger gestures work great.

What works: Everything else!

I use Windows for occasional gaming when I'm out, Ubuntu for work and OSX for everything else. It was a huge surprise that I didn't have to. swap out the WiFi card, thanks to the work of everyone on the OpenIntelWireless team. All in all, a great experience using OpenCore and Dortania's guide, since it helped me understand how everything in a Mac really works. I had tried Clover before for a failed Ryzen hackintosh but did not like it at all.

submitted by /u/AidingAids
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