This is a HP 800 G1 Mini (Haswell) running OpenCore 0.6.0- i7 4785T-16GB RAM 1600MHz- 128GB NVME ssd. There is not much to configure in BIOS on this machine. I have disabled VTd. Updated to newest BIOS from 2019.
I am not able to get past the error " load succeeded"
Here is the error on screen:
I have followed the OC guide to create my Haswell config.plist:
My setup:ACPI- SSDT-EC.aml- SSDT-PLUG.aml
Drivers- HfsPlus.efi- OpenCanopy.efi- OpenRuntime.efi
Kexts- AppleALC.kext- IntelMausi.kext- Lilu.kext- USBInjectAll.kext- VirtualSMC.kext- WhateverGreen.kext
I am not able to get to installer. I choose "Install Mac OS X Catalina" from the picker menu and then I get the error. Has anyone had success with HP 800 G1 Mini Haswell?
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