Hello guys, I was to install el capitan on my ssd from my usb drive, yet after I boot again into the usb, I'm unable to see the osx installation on the ssd, I'm probably missing some kext in the drivers, or at least that's my wild guess, it's been almost 10 years since my last hackintosh installation and I remember almost nothing.
For the installation I used the createmedia on a usb pendrive from the el capitan install app, then I installed Clover from BDUtility (I forgot to install it while I still had access to a mac ;D), I added a few kexts and replaced the preinstalled fakesmc with the virtualsmc, I most likely followed this guide (https://hackintosh.gitbook.io/-r-hackintosh-vanilla-desktop-guide/gathering-kexts) to know which kext to use.
Here are my specs (kinda old I know but I only plan to use hackintosh to build flutter apps for iphones as I would be unable to do so without one):
Asus P6TD Deluxe Intel 920 AMD Radeon HD 5850
And here's a list of my installed kexts and my config
drivers->BIOS ApfsDriverLoader.efi AudioDxe.efi FSInject.efi Ps2MouseDxe.efi SMCHelper.efi UsbMouseDxe.efi XhciDxe.efi drivers->UEFI ApfsDriverLoader.efi AudioDxe.efi FSInject.efi OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi VBoxHfs.efi AptioInputFix.efi DataHubDxe.efi Fat.efi SMCHelper.efi kexts->Other Lilu.kext SMCProcessor.kext SMCSuperIO.kext VirtualSMC.kext WhateverGreen.kext
I'll post my config.plist if it's needed, anyway I'm pretty sure my mb doesn't support UEFI boot, only Legacy boot, this is why I'm using clover legacy.
Thanks in advance :D
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