HELP: UDH 630 to UDH 650 values for config.plist

HELP: UDH 630 to UDH 650 values for config.plist

Given i'm using a config for UHD 630 graphics, which incidentally works for UHD 650. I want to get it right, I'd be interested in refining it further so its very specific to UHD 650

I found the below in RehabMan's auto injection SSDT and wanted to translate it for my needs but i'm not sure how to translate so I can add the appropriate values to my config.

Anyone here able to assist with this or am I barking up the wrong tree ?

// Kaby Lake/HD630

0x5912, 0, Package()


"AAPL,ig-platform-id", Buffer() { 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x59 },

"hda-gfx", Buffer() { "onboard-1" },

"model", Buffer() { "Intel HD Graphics 630" },


// Kaby Lake/HD650

0x5927, 0, Package()


"AAPL,ig-platform-id", Buffer() { 0x02, 0x00, 0x26, 0x59 },

"hda-gfx", Buffer() { "onboard-1" },

"model", Buffer() { "Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650" },

submitted by /u/ithakaa
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