9900K IGPU (UHD 630) crashes on boot, teal/green screen + computer reset

Hello r/Hackintosh, I recently followed the vanilla clover guide to make a Hackintosh and surprisingly everything worked without fail first time around, however I had my monitors running from my 1080Ti on Catalina, so it was running in 2D mode/no drivers. I decided to change to my IGPU on my 9900K (only one monitor connected, only to motherboard HDMI) but was immediately met with issues.

When I boot using my IGPU through Clover, the standard Apple logo on a black screen shows with the progress bar, but afterwards I am met usually with a teal coloured screen, or thousands of different coloured lines on my screen before the computer completely resets and I have to press F12 to select a boot device. I was wondering if anyone would have any idea as to what is causing this.

My motherboard is a z390 Aorus Elite, and only has one single video output for the IGPU, which is HDMI. As I mentioned earlier, I can boot and use the Hackintosh perfectly fine with my 1080Ti, albeit with horrendously slow graphics, but the IGPU own't budge.

Here are my Kexts:

  • AirportBrcmFixup
  • AppleALC
  • IntelMausi
  • Lilu
  • SMCProcessor
  • SMCSuperIO
  • USBInjectAll
  • VirtualSMC
  • WhateverGreen
  • XHCI-unsupported
submitted by /u/epicmonke
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