macOS Big Sur! Finally managed to install macOS Big Sur on my Designare for fun. And, yes, this requires cloning from already installed working macOS Big Sur partition. Everything seems to be in order. Did not need disablegfxfirmware and igfxfw=2 works just fine. For a second, I thought adjusting a volume on HDMI audio and Multiple output device is finally made possible on macOS Big Sur. Well, it turns out it has no effect whether you increase or decrease the bar level. Specs CPU: i7-9700K BIOS: F8 GPU: AMD RX-580 Bootloader: OC 0.6 Tools used. -Install macOS Beta(Big Sur) -VM Fusion Brief Guide. 1.Create installmedia using the script from here. It will make macOS11BigSurBeta.dmg file in downlods folder (Assuming install macOS Beta is in Application folder)
After the installation, boot back into installer UI, insert your external hard drive, open disk utility, show all devices, and create an image of container that includes installed Big Sur partition to a external hard drive which will later be used for cloning.
After the image is created, name it whatever you like and double click it to mount the image. However this will not mount every partitions in the container, so you need to do this in terminal app. A. Assuming the image is named "BigSur" and is located in "MacStorage" drive, run this script to mount the image.
B. Find a disk number of your Big Sur image and destination
Note: do not look for synthesized disk number it should be physical markup C. Restore mounted Big Sur image to your hard drive.
Note: Replace X and Y accordingly. (X = Source disk number Y=Destination) Example My "Big Sur " image disk number is 12 and "destination" disk number is 6 so it would be "dd if=/dev/disk12 of=/dev/disk6 bs=32m" It will take a while for it to clone the image then you are done.
This is pretty much it. [link] [comments] |
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