Audio disappeared after Mojave Security Update - what have I done wrong?

Longtime Hackintosher, stumped on something that is probably small and obvious.

  • Z97N-WiFi motherboard, i7/3.5GHz processor, Clover 5102, Mojave 10.14.6, all running perfectly this morning as they have for months.
  • I ran the Security Update that appeared in my Software update this morning and lost audio in and out.
  • My motherboard has ALC892 sound. I'm running the second-most-recent Lilu, WhateverGreen, and AppleALC in EFI-Clover-kexts-Other.
  • AppleHDA.kext is in S-L-E, currently an old 2016 version 276.26, because nothing more recent worked any better
  • Hackintool, under "Sound," shows no devices whatsoever. Under "Extensions," Lilu 1.4.4 and AppleALC 1.4.9 are shown as having been installed.

Why aren't the sound drivers loading so that Hackintool can see something?

submitted by /u/CaptLatinAmerica
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