Tiny Hack: Lenovo M93p Tiny - Catalina 10.15.4 - OC 0.5.8



  • i5-4570T
  • HD 4600 Graphics
  • 8GB Samsung DDR3 1600 MHz (2x4GB sticks)
  • AzureWave AW-123H WiFi/BT (BCM94352HBM)

This was my first Hack and it really went pretty smoothly. I’ve seen a couple of posts here that did it using Clover, but I only had access to Windows at the time so I figured OpenCore would be easier. It was about as painless as it could be.

I looked around until I found a M93p Tiny that came with a WiFi card and both the rear and front antennas. If you plan on using WiFi, keep an eye out for this as I saw quite a few that had neither antenna or only the back one. This one also had a 500GB spinning drive and came with Windows 10 installed which helped to make sure which Ethernet and sound chips it had.

After booting into Windows and making sure everything seemed ok (along with checking the Ethernet and sound), I built everything for the USB stick. If you are wondering, you can indeed do everything you need on a Windows PC without having access to a Mac. After that, I opened it up to replace the Intel wireless card and hard drive.

To get everything going, I just used the Vanilla Desktop Guide and did the config.plist per the Haswell section. For the install, I only had the basic kexts as I wanted to minimize things in case I had any issues. Everything went fine and adding the kexts for the wireless card went without a problem, so I could have just had them all to start with.

Everything that I can think of works - sound, Metal, sleep, iServices, AirDrop, Handoff & Apple Watch unlock. If I missed anything, let me know and I’ll report back.

Like I said, I just used the Vanilla Desktop Guide, but for those that may be wondering, here’s what I used:


  • HfsPlus.efi
  • OpenRuntime.efi


  • Lilu.kext
  • VirtualSMC.kext
  • WhateverGreen.kext
  • AppleALC.kext
  • USBInjectAll.kext
  • IntelMausiEthernet.kext
  • AirportBrcmFixup.kext (added after initial install)
  • BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext (added after initial install)
  • BrcmFirmwareData.kext (added after initial install)
  • BrcmPatchRAM3.kext (added after initial install)
  • SMCProcessor.kext (added after initial install)

I still need to do the USB map and a couple of other housekeeping items, but everything is working great!

submitted by /u/ds_Zero
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