Need help on R7 250 card (ID 6610) on Catalina

It's been posted somewhere that R7 250 card's do not work on Catalina, but this is not true, specially for the fact that there is documentation for the whole series of R7 and R9 cards working on Catalina on Dortania github guide. However I got my R7 250 ID6610 to work! But I am just under one issue. I must boot Windows, or Linux in order to boot MacOS. If I don't and go straight to MacOS, It will black screen, and reboot. I don't know the theory behind this, or how it was discovered, but maybe Windows/Linux knows how to correctly utilize the card when WEG cannot? Anyways I would like to know if anyone has this kind of issue, and knew how to get around it. After some research it looks like lots of the cards that are in the AMD7Kcontroller that are fakeid'd are dealing with fakeID's also get a similar black screen issue. Please let me know anything because I really enjoy using macOS on this machine, and I got this card for basically nothing. Anyways here is all the items containing in my OC folder


- Audiodxe.efi

- HfsPlus.efi

- OpenCanopy.efi

- OpenRuntime.efi


- AppleALC.Kext

- WhateverGreen.kext

- Lilu.kext

- USBInjectAll.kext

- VoodooPS2Controller.kext


- Openshell.efi



- SSDT-GPU-Spoof (To FakeID my card)

My hardware, Dell Precision T1700

i7-4770, I have set up my config to the Haswell vanilla guide

R7 250

The boot flags I have set on my config

keepsyms=1 -radpg=15 -raddvi

I also tried -lilubeta, -wegbeta, and even removing the 2 AMD specific flags and that does not affect the boot in anyway when I boot windows beforehand.

Thanks so much if you can help me. PS the SSDT-GPU-spoof is set to 0x683D which is r7 250X.

submitted by /u/Jared7403
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