Mini ITX boards

Hello, Looking from some input which board to go with. Option are . ASUS Rog z390I Gigabyte z390I Aorus Asrock z390m itx/ac Prices are as follows. Granted not to worried about the price. Looking for the best compatibility, least known issues. 1. $210 Asus 2. $158 gigabyte 3. $136 asrock

I did read up on some success builds with all boards. Didn’t come away with too much. Asrock supports using the WiFi/Bluetooth slot. ASUS looks like it can use a dell card. Gigabyte locked down on cnvi. Asrock may have bios issues. Looks like a patch will fix it. Gigabyte issues with nvram.
ASUS has a issue with shut down, looks like there is a fix. Wrapping it up, looks like gigabyte and asrock are on the do not buy list :) Thanks for any input.

submitted by /u/amgclk65
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