Asus Z270g + Vega 64 + I7-7700K | Catalina Vanilla Clover Success & Info/Guide

I've been running a Unibeast install of Mojave as my daily driver for a while now but it was unstable, I didn't like that it was closed source and Tonymacx86 is possibly one of the most toxic communities I've ever experienced. So I decided to join you guys instead and go for a Vanilla Clover install.

Ethernet, 3D Acc, Audio, Facetime, iMessage all works.

Used the standard vanilla clover guide:

I basically just ran through the steps, installed and copied over the EFI, few notes though:

  • The Kaby Lake sample config.plist pretty much works out of the box (scroll to the bottom of the Kaby Lake guide page to download in full). I just opened it up in Clover Configurator, changed the ID to iMac 18,3 and generated a new serial. I did skim through the page though to find out what was actually being done in that config.plist and I urge you to do the same.
  • The branch of Clover Bootloader in the guide no longer has the options mentioned for the install process, I used the latest build from the GitHub repo instead

SSDT additions:

  • To get Catalina installer and OS to boot I put SSDT-EC.aml in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched
  • To get USB 3.0 and all ports working I used a premade SSDT-UIAC.aml and also put it in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched (yes I know, the shame, the shame, I will make my own eventually)

Kexts used:

  • AppleALC.kext
  • IntelMausiEthernet.kext
  • Lilu.kext
  • USBInjectAll.kext
  • VirtualSMC.kext
  • WhateverGreen.kext

And that's about it, hope this helps someone with similar hardware. I might try it with OpenCore in the future but seems to be rock solid for now and already boots 3x faster than the Unibeast install did.

submitted by /u/frn
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