[10.15.4 Update] Former working Ethernet stops working after reboot from Win10

Dear community

unfortunately I need your help again as I am running out of ideas on this one. After a very successful vanilla install using Clover (please find my original post here) and months of usage without any problems I updated my system from 10.15.2 to 10.15.4 yesterday.
The update (clover update to 5117 included) went flawless except for the known HDMI issue which I fixed with boot arg igfxonln=1.

After switching to Windows 10 for a casual gaming session and then switching back to macOS I found my Ethernet not working. That was strange because it was working perfectly fine directly after the update. The system preference menu tells me that apparently nothing is connected. It also constantly switches places with the Bluetooth PAN network in the left overview which is very odd. It's trying to do something obviously...

What I have already tried:

  1. Resetting the network adapter via Terminal with "sudo ifconfig en0 down" and "...up" -> no change
  2. Turning off "Wake on LAN" in Win10 energy saving settings -> no change

EFI and Kexts
I keep my kexts up to date with Kext Updater. Kexts used are:

  • AppleALC v1.4.9
  • Lilu v1.4.4
  • RealtekRTL8111 v2.2.2 (Motherboard: Asus Z370-P II)
  • USBMap
  • Virtual SMC v1.1.3
  • Whatevergreen v1.3.9

Please find my EFI Folder here. (Deleted serial)

As I said: I am and the end of my ideas. Did anybody experience this or a similar issue and can point me in the right direction?

Thanks so much for your support!


submitted by /u/orphid
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