You may know me from MacOS Catalina install, well I downgraded to High Sierra and ran into new problems.

Okay so here's the deal:
I've installed High Sierra 10.13.6 on my PC. Everything ran smoothly, installation went fine, no errors whatsoever.

In my first boot I ran into few problems that I hope to solve, with fellow hackintoshers.

First problem:
Can't boot from SSD

I used the Bootinstall.command, no errors everything went fine (Legacy user). But when I start my PC it doesn't get booted at all. Not even OC, nothing.

Second problem:

Can't restart

Self explantory, verbose mode doesn't show any errors, nothing its just stuck there not restarting.

Third problem:

Nvidia driver not working

I've installed Nvidia driver, tried three different boot args on three different boots




Still nothing.

AMD FX-6300; RAM 8GB DDR3; SSD: 240GB; Mobo: ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3; Nvidia GTX1050 2GB DDR5


I followed the guide on Dortania to the letter, ran SanityCheck, everything should be a-okay.

I really need help. Please help me.

submitted by /u/TebritziusZweite
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