Has anyone been experiencing issues when it comes to the ASUS Sabertooth x79 MOBO?
I’m currently in a Mojave install with only USB 2.0 support. All my ports seem to work, but not at 3.0 speeds.
I have been attempting the RehabMan fix for USB, however, I keep going into my system info and IOReg but I only see USB 2.0 and my ports are named PR and HP under EH01. I’m not sure what’s going on with that and I can’t find anyone else with a similar issue.
I also have an issue if I plug in a USB 3.0 device my system freezes and I can’t do anything in it.
ASUS Sabertooth x79 Intel 4930k EVGA 640 2GB
(Yeah I know my graphics card is crap, but I only do audio so sue me)
I believe I used UniBeast to install, but basically edited my clover using RampageDev (I miss him).
To add on, I boot into my device with minimal boot flags and it runs smoothly when I’m using Logic Pro, but I would love to have 3.0 capability and just a more solid Vanilla build.
Any help is very much appreciated!
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