Very grateful to the Vanilla install and OC Hackintosh community. Hope I have learned enough to ask a reasonable question and maybe even correctly implement an answer to my USB-C 3.1 port not-enough-power issue.
Have searched online for a solution, but the posts I have viewed over many hours mostly cover general USB2, USB3 port mapping or power config issues relating to the Intel controllers for these ports on my Gigabyte z170 & i7 and z390 & i9 motherboards and not the power config of the Alpine Ridge chipset managing the USB-C 3.1 ports, which seems to default to 500mA maximum.
I have mapped the USB2 & USB3 ports successfully, staying under the 15 port limit, by editing the dsl sources (then compiling into aml) of SSDT-EC-USBX.aml, SSDT-PLUG.aml, and SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml then generating --> USBPorts.kext with Hackintool. Dutifully editing the Config.plist to include them ...etc. Hackintool shows I have just my desired (15-total) HS & SS ports with enough power to supply 2100mA if necessary. They all work fine.
What I can't figure out is how to ask the Alpine Ridge chipset to please budget more than 500mA of supply power over the USB-C 3.1 ports on my motherboards. They work OK, with link speeds listed as 5-gB for USB3.1-typeA memory sticks and 10gB when my external NVMe.M2 USB-C-3.1 drive case is plugged in .... however the available USB-C power as listed in Mac-->System Report-->USB-->USB3.1 hub as only 500mA with my NVMe.M2 drive case wanting 892mA instead.
Some testing indicates the USB-C-3.1 NVMe.M2 drive works marginally but not reliably, which I would expect if it truly is under-powered by the motherboard's USB-C port. The USB-3.1-A thumb drives test fine, though admittedly I haven't done exhaustive testing.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am trying to give the GA-z170 i7 based hackintosh to my cousin limping along with a vintage 2009(?) Mac Pro. I want the Hackintosh to be reliable for him. Don't want him to plug in a USB-C device and later learn due to the low-power-port-issue it corrupts the memory transfer.
In the future as more Hackintosh builds use motherboards with USB-C onboard, even if not Thunderbolt, I think more information about the subtleties of proper USB-C-3.1 power and link config will be useful.
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