Simple question about DW1510/BCM94322 Wi-Fi Card (and battery indicator too)

Hello everyone, I installed Niresh Yosemite 10.10.1 in my Acer E1-571G and it's all working good, did the FakePCIID for the ethernet card (BCM57785) and got it working too. I installed it using Legacy Bios as I have a dual boot with Win7. The only things that are not working are the battery indicator (but I guess it will be easy to solve, maybe I have to search for the right kext) and obviously my Wi-Fi card, which is a Broadcom 4313 BCM94313. My question is really simple, will a DW1510/BCM94332 work without problems for both OSX (I did some research and it seems that it will be recognized as native) and Win7 with the right drivers? CPU and MoBo specs

P.S. also if anyone has some hints to make the battery indicator work too, every kind of help is accepted :) battery info

submitted by /u/mxbob8
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