Need help on picking laptop

I have two laptops: an HP Probook 4540s (which is already running El Capitan, so I assume it should be able to run Catalina following the Rehabman guides). The second laptop is a Lenovo Thinkpad E570, specs below:

  • HP Probook 4540s
    • CPU: i3-3110m
    • GPU: Intel HD 4000
    • RAM: 16GB RAM
    • WiFi/Bluetooth: I purchased a compatible card a few years ago that still works
    • Screen: 1366x768
  • Lenovo Thinkpad E570
    • CPU: i5-7200m
    • GPU: Intel HD 620
    • RAM: 8GB (I, however, can upgrade this as I have spare RAM sticks)
    • WiFi/Bluetooth: Unsure, it is stock.
    • Screen: 1366x768 (I do see it can be upgraded to 1080P from eBay).

I am looking to get rid of one of these laptops, but I also would like to have macOS on my laptop. I know the HP Probook 4540s is capable of macOS, but I am not sure as with the i3 processor, and it being older, if it makes sense to still hold onto it, or just to move on from it. On the other hand, I did my due diligence but can't find much information on how compatible the Thinkpad E570 would be with macOS, and I am only going to assume this means it would require a serious amount of time to make things such as the trackpad work.

Therefore, what would you all suggest? Should I stick to that HP laptop, or just move on with the Lenovo laptop? I know laptops are a headache with hackintoshes which is why I think the HP Probook makes sense here (since guides are already made), but it just seems dated. The Thinkpad, on the other hand, seems to have a more recent CPU and is a tad lighter to carry. I was considering just buying a Macbook, but I already have a Desktop HackintoshHackintoshes that runs just fine and is specced out which is why I am trying to decide on these two laptops rather than looking at alternatives.

submitted by /u/GiantsJets
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