Mouse and keyboard really slow on VM

I want to get into hackintosh but for now I tried to use a VM. The problem is that mouse and keyboard get really slow after a few minutes when booting (like 5 second delay and keyboard not functioning correctly). I searched for other posts about this but I could only find one where people were saying that it just wouldn't work well on a VM. The thing is that animations still work smoothly and that it's really only mouse/keyboard I/O that is not functioning well.

Could this be because some DSMOS of Apple where it knows if a certain iso of the internet has been used many times (I have access to a mac but I thought it would be easier to just get one of the internet)? Or is there some additional security which will always prevent vm-users to use macOS if the VM is not running on an actual mac?

submitted by /u/frietjegezond
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