macOS recovery mode fails to reboot but can shutdown

When I select reinstall macOS it seems to download normally but once the bar finishes it goes to a black screen with some text (age below shows it.) After some research, I learned that the point it stops is when it reboots. After realising this I forced shutdown and opened a terminal and tried 3 commands.

Reboot: stopped at the same point Shutdown -r now: same as reboot Shutdown -h now: computer powers off

I can't see to find anyone with the same issue.

Computer parts: FX-4300 Nvidia 1060 MacOS version: 10.13.6 Motherboard: M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3 v2.61 Opencore Install method: I followed two guides. For EFI setup: For the rest. I followed the offline installer on windows.

submitted by /u/evan13lee
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