Legal Risks of building a Hackintosh

greetings, hackintosh guys and gals, like the title says, I'm wondering if there are any legal risks to making a hackintosh. I'm not going to publicly say anywhere that I made one (if I ever do) but MacOS dials home occasionally, and I'm concerned of what could happen if Apple looks into those logs finds out that it's a hackintosh. Now I know I'm probably just being overly careful, but there is a chance that Apple would try to make an example out of me, and completely financially ruin my life. How would I go about mitigating these risks? i know that apple owns - so would i just need to block all communication to those addresses? Do they have other standalone IPs just for MacOS to dial home to? I'd like to build one just to run Apple based server stuff (like airmessage and stuff like that) but I also don't want something horrid to happen.



EDIT: I probably should have mentioned: Yes, of course there are legal risks, but I'm basically asking about legal risks without me publicizing it

submitted by /u/therealchrisccc
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