[Catalina 10.15] ASUS Z97-Deluxe i7 4790k 780 Ti

[Catalina 10.15] ASUS Z97-Deluxe i7 4790k 780 Ti

After some trail and error I managed to get Catalina running on my machine. I'm using Clover as the boot manager.


  • CPU: Intel Core i7 4790k
  • GPU: ASUS GTX 780 Ti
  • RAM: 32GB Corsair Vengeance
  • MB: ASUS Z97-Deluxe


More here, https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/success-catalina-10-15-asus-z97-deluxe-i7-4790k-780-ti.294797/

submitted by /u/pavan407
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