Brightness on injected edid screen

I am currently working on Toshiba R632/G (Dynabook Z930 series for Japanese market). My screen wasn't displaying, but it get fixed with edid injection, along with WEG implementation. But somehow the brightness is not working, or I implemented incorrectly, idk. Will look it later. The question is, will brightness work in injected edid internal screen, as macOS didn't pick my screen at the first place? And then there is this commented out "intel brightness value" or something, I didn't remember the exact string, which is set to 0xffffff, I believe to be the max value. Is that string have something to do with brightness? Adding DSDT-PNLF.aml didn't help, and installing intelbrightnessfix.kext make the brightness slider disappear.

Any insight will be appreciated. Thank you.

submitted by /u/kekesed97
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