My text, especially small text like the text here looks very blurry on my monitor. I've tried many commands and reboots but none of them fix the issues it seems.
My display colours are weird where grey and yellow are not as visible on top of white.
I've tried the commands below and rebooted but no luck.
defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2
Using iMac 18,3 Mac OSX Catalina 10.15.4 i5 7500 8 GB DDR4 Ram RX 570 8 GB Asrock Pro4 B250 Motherboard
Using two external monitors. Main one is HDMI, second one is DVI. The DVI one seems a bit more clearer than the HDMI for text. Both are 1920x1080.
Hardware acceleration might not be on either however most things are smooth with a few stutters in the chess game when moving a piece, however is there any other way I can confirm this. Colours on a google search change colours when I highlight and unhighlight them, they seem to go a bit more dull/grey.
Thank you!
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