Ryzen Build Question - Quicksync / Hardware Video with AMD build?


Im a Mac dev, curious about building an AMD based Hackintosh. I've build an i7 Hackintosh a few years ago and had Intels Quicksync hardware video decode working.

Does anyone know if AMD has a similar feature and if API's like VideoToolbox or AVFoundation can target the hardware decoder on a Ryzen based Hackintosh?

Similarly, on 10.15, VideoToolbox can even point to GPU decoders - using APIs like kVTVideoEncoderSpecification_RequiredEncoderGPURegistryID and friends.

Does anyone know if those APIs work with say a Radeon VII or two installed?

I'm looking to make a decent Mac Pro alternative with AMD, but need pro video and pro video development features to work.


submitted by /u/vade
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