Nuked my bluetooth and not sure how to get it back

Hello hackintoshers. I have my hackintosh (desktop) set up with a bcm94360cs2 card attached to an adapter. It was unreliable at best, especially with regards to audio.

Instead of researching solutions in the hackintosh world (I think there's a kext that may have fixed it) I made the mistake of searching how to reset the module, following the instructions here.

After restarting, my bluetooth is dead. Just says "Bluetooth: Not available". But I know it works because I can use my Magic Keyboard in Clover, it just dies as soon as the actual OS boots. Also, the adapter is being recognized because I still have WiFi available, so I only nuked bluetooth.

I have been searching for different solutions, played with some kexts, deleted some plists, but am currently at a loss. Hoping somebody looks at this and is like "oh I totally know what's going on here".

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/jaradi
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