Looking For Advice On Upgrades

Hello r/hackintosh, first time long time.

I've been using my hackintosh for for about two years as my daily driver. I keep it up to date and perform (relatively) regular maintenance. I'm a professional video editor and work with a variety of video software but mainly Premiere and After Effects. I have also recently started messing around with Cinema4D and would like to do more. I don't really use the computer for gaming (the occasional Fortnite).

All this talk of the new Mac Pro and the powerful Ryzen builds people have been posting has made me kinda of jealous. I'm sure it's in my head but my computer has started to feel a little sluggish and I'm itching for some better performance. I'm looking for some suggestions for upgrades I could make to my hardware to get some performance boost. Since I use this computer for work It's important to me that the hardware I use has a proven record of stability in hackintosh builds (relative to how hackintoshes go).

Here's a pc part picker list of my current setup:


Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/maxmaus
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