Intel vs AMD Hackintosh (a personal experience write up after doing both on Opencore) and a thank you.

Due to the recent human malware going around, I've had some time to do make a hackintosh on both system platforms so I thought I'd share some of that with the community.

I'll start with the AMD first: AMD hackintosh was surprisingly easy and have come a long way since the beginning of 2019. I dare to say that it was simpler compared to intel. There were a few less settings to fiddle around with; namely NVRAM, cfg-lock problems, KASLAR slide values, RTC clock, etc. There's only one ACPI.aml that I needed to worry about and it seems that AMD motherboards mostly use the same controller (EC0) while Intel boards vary a lot more. Temperature sensors and clock frequency can now be monitor where it couldn't before. iServices that didn't work before now do as well. From what I understand, even programs have better support now on AMD although it's still not perfect. There are still a few programs that require you to have Intel.

Intel on the other hand has been nothing but a nightmare to get going with the Coffee Lake gen. I've done both Haswell and Coffee Lake and have ran into problems every step of the way with Coffee Lake...namely cfg lock on my z370 motherboard and then nvram and bios memory allotment (KASLAR) issues on my z390 motherboard. Setup wise, Intel requires more ACPI.aml files to get going compared to AMD. ig-platform ID also matters since AMD doesn't have iGPU. BIOS also require a lot more setting changes on Intel side compared to AMD. I think the only BIOS change I made on AMD side was to change from CSM to UEFI. 4G Decoding was set through my config.plist rather than in the BIOS menu. Intel on the other hand has more settings to look out. Granted, flipping a few settings in BIOS isn't hard but every step that it takes more to set up is one more step that someone new will need to take to get going.

So yea...a bit of a personal experience after doing both kinds of systems. I honestly think that AMD has come to a point now where set up it easier than Intel. That was not the case just a year and a half ago and most people would have avoided AMD. Great job and thank you to the community!

submitted by /u/WongJeremy
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