Dual boot hackintosh half working.

I have a dual boot hackintosh. Both Mac and windows were working flawless for many months. When I was in windows, I was reformatting an external hard drive using a windows utility program i accidentally changed which hard drive to boot from and then realized that’s was a big mistake. I then switched it back to the correct hard drive windows is suppose to boot from within the windows application. I booted back to clover configurator, I can still boot into my Mac partition flawless. Mac OS works. When I try to boot into windows which is on another SSD, I can’t anymore. When I look into file manager while in Mac OS I can see the windows hard drive with everything on it. When I use disk utility it does recognize the drive. However when I try to boot from the bios or clover configurator it will not launch windows. The hard drive with windows is now titled “untitled” but still has all the files. What can I do. Any help would be appreciative.

submitted by /u/StevesMacFix
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