Hi guys, I admit it, I am just now entering the world of hackintosh. i have a N580GD asus vivobook pro laptop with niresh catalina in it. At first i only did it so i could jailbreak my iphone, but now i would like to use it as a primary sistem. The problem is that i know the wifi card is not compatible, after looking some information up, I concluded that the DW1820 is a great card to use. I'm just asking if this is the one i should be buying. I appreciate all the support and the time that you take to help me, have a great day.

wifi card link: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/32859212307.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6acd1dd6DYeufz&algo_pvid=1d09d4db-f5d6-423d-bf20-32645f1307ea&algo_expid=1d09d4db-f5d6-423d-bf20-32645f1307ea-8&btsid=b32f6f3c-3225-489b-a1b7-672d3fd1599f&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_9,searchweb201603_53

submitted by /u/jokasjimba12
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