Vanilla Skylake hackintosh doesn't boot with Lilu and WhateverGreen, boots without, why?


I have a GA-Z170N-WIFI + Core i7-6700 (Skylake) + RX 560 hackintosh which has been running macOS 10.14 fine for quite some time. My old Clover installation was slow to scan hardware and devices, but I was fine with that as long as it worked.

But I need to test a 10GbE NAS for work, so as I have a mini-ITX motherboard, I need to temporarily replace the RX 560 with a 10GbE PCIe card, and make sure the iGPU works.

I'm not a fan of UniBeast and MultiBeast, as it's too easy and I'm not sure of what makes my hackintosh work, but I was lazy when I setup this hackintosh so I've been running with a MultiBeast install, then updated Clover only once or twice.

Long story short, I took the opportunity of this test to delete my EFI folder and start from scratch following the vanilla guide. I haven't deleted kexts installed by MultiBeast in /Library/Extensions, though. The problem is nor my boot drive nor the Catalina USB boot drive I've created are booting with Lilu and WhateverGreen enabled, as suggested with the guide. As I haven't been using them until now, I've disabled them with the Clover GUI and it booted fine.

Will I need Lilu and WhateverGreen when I'll have removed my RX 560 and when I'll rely on the iGPU? If yes, is there a way to have the exact same install wether I'm using the RX 560 or the iGPU. How? Do I need to switch the ig-platform-id value? (I quite don't understand what this part of config.plist does)

May I delete every hackintosh kext from /Library/Extensions? Do I need to take any further action? (delete kernel cache or something)

Thanks in advance! :-)

submitted by /u/Romano2K
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