Hardware: Asus Stryx mobo, 3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Hey, everyone. I've searched all over for an explanation to this and haven't found a solution yet. Essentially, when my powered monitors are on and connected through any audio output (USB interface, 3.5inch output on the back, and the headphone jack in front) there are whining and squealing sounds that increase as the computer works harder and harder. When working in After Effects for example, I can hear each frame being rendered - I'll also point out that many people think that AE uses the GPU but in fact only a handful of effects use the graphics card with the vast majority of it using the CPU. When headphones are plugged into the 3.5 jacks there is zero noise whatsoever, so it appears to be only with my powered Yamaha speakers.
The person who makes a living building Hackintoshes has never seen this issue on any of his past builds. Here is what I've already done to troubleshoot:
- Plugged the speakers/interfaces into a different machine - they made zero noise outside of the audio playing both with and without using multiple USB interfaces.
- Swapped out the power strip.
- Swapped 8th inch cables from the interfaces to the speakers.
- Tried a new USB interface with a different USB cable.
- Switched the software output to every other option (meaning that the mere act of having the speakers connected to the computer causes them to make sound whether or not the software is routing audio to them).
- Using different programs - Final Cut, After Effects, Premiere, Logic Pro, etc.
- Tried it on both the Macintosh and the Windows side of my machine.
- Swapped out power cables to both the speakers and to the PC itself.
- Installed the latest USB interface drivers (the 3.5 outputs obviously don't have drivers though).
- Unplugged every single USB attachment while the speakers are plugged into the machine.
- Plugged the 3.5 cable into the microphone input - this is the one that made me realize that the issue must be electrical since there shouldn't be anything that comes out of the input.
- Turned the speakers' physical volume control all the way to zero.
- Changed the sample rate of the USB device to that of my professional software using the driver settings (this is also a moot point since the noise is present even when there is no Interface connected).
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, experience, and ideas. I'll be crossposting this to the BuildApc subreddit to find a potential solution as well. Thanks so much.
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