Kernel Panic

Hello there,

Please someone help me out to fix this kernel panic in High Sierra (10.13.6). WHAT’S WRONG? 😫


I tried with Vanilla installation method and it stuck in 60-70% when apple logo shows up. I used iMac 12.1 for SMBIOS.

Boot Arg: -v kext-dev-mode=1 debug=0*100

Kexts (Put in other folder): - AppleALC - FakeSMC + all related items - Lilu - RealtekRTL8111 - USBInjectAll - WhateverGreen

Clover (Only checked items): - Install Clover in the ESP - Boot Sector > boot0ss MBR - Clover for BIOS > SATA - BIOS Drivers > AudioDxe, SMCHelper, FSInject, XhciDxe, ApfsDriverLoader

My PC: - Gigabyte P61-USB3P - Intel i3-2120 @ 3.30GHz (HD2000 Built-in GPU) - Memory 12GB DDR3 - NVIDIA GeForce 210 - SSD 120GB

submitted by /u/alircxa
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