AMD Hackintosh - Is there a way to check CPU/GPU temperatures? (OpenCore macOS 10.15.3 Ryzentosh)

Hello everyone! I've been running macOS on my system for two days, I'd like to know if there is a way to check CPU/GPU temps. I've tried HWMonitor HWSensors but they only show HD/SDD temperatures. Is there a way to do that? Apparently it is easier do to that on Intel Hackintosh.

My specs: Ryzen 2700, RX 580 8gb.

By the way, OS X is showing my RAM at 1200Mhz when it should be 2444Mhz, is that normal? Is my PC running RAM at 2444Mhz even though it is showing it wrong on "About my mac"?

Thank you!!

submitted by /u/victor6497
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