A couple weeks ago I got my first Hackintosh build working (Catalina). Wanted to say thanks to all of the r/hackintosh threads and the vanilla guide - without them I wouldn't have been able to do it so easily.
Specs in text for Google searches:
- Intel i7 8700k processor
- MSI Radeon RX 580 gpu
- MSI Z390-A Pro motherboard
- AppleALC
- IntelMausiEthernet
- Lilu
- SMCBatteryManager
- SMCLightSensor
- SMCProcessor
- SMCSuperIO
- USBInjectAll
- VirtualSMC
- XHCI-unsupported
- Cannot boot using GPU. I must boot with the iGPU, and then the system switches to the GPU. I actually only have two monitors, but have one monitor plugged into both the iGPU and GPU so it shows three in the system. Really not that big of an issue and I'm sure it can easily be fixed if I took the time to dig into it.
- iMessage not working. Could also get this working too, but am not looking to have distracting non-work messages on my machine anyways.
- Only 75% of the time it wakes from sleep. Rather than fix it, I've just switched to allowing the displays to sleep but disabling system sleep in System Preferences. I'm used to this anyways from having it on my linux installs.
I switched to macOS because I was running Ubuntu for around four years but I liked the idea of a more polished UI and having better application support. So far, I'm loving it! Thanks reddit.
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