Latitude 7404 Rugged Extreme - graphics acceleration help?

So I'm trying to install Catalina on a Dell Latitude 7404 Rugged Extreme laptop, with an Intel Core i5-4300U with HD 4400 graphics.

Followed the Vanilla installed guide and everything installed just fine. I have to override the graphics ID (within Clover) to 0x12345678 for the system to boot, though. I'm again able to get into macOS by overriding the ID again, but it seems that would disable graphics acceleration completely.

I've searched around and (I think) tried almost every solution posted. WhateverGreen + Lilu, FakePCIID + FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics, even IntelGraphicsFixup. Tried both enabling and disabling IntelGFX injection also - that doesn't seem to do anything. Now the system will get stuck at ioconsoleusers: gioscreenlockstate 3, hs 0, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0 on boot.

This is on the laptop's internal screen. Connecting a HDMI cable while it's stuck in this stage resulted in garbled images appearing on the internal screen but not the HDMI monitor. Any pointers in the right direction to get this iGPU going?

Clover files and settings are here. There's a few configs I've tried - one in the normal spot, and the others in config-stash. There's also a config that I used to successfully boot an OptiPlex 7010 included too - that's what I used as a base to build the new config files.

Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/namodev
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