iGPU graphics white noise but GPU is fine.

iGPU graphics white noise but <a class='btn-link text-dark' href='/search/label/gpu?max-results=12' target='_blank'> GPU</a>  is fine.

Recently I decided to add a secondary monitory through the HDMI port while also using the GPU as the main display port and it was basically plug and play, which really surprised me. It detected as HD 4600 and had the full 1.5GB VRAM. However, on boot, there was white noise graphical glitches and it also happens in graphical applications such as Steam and Minecraft. How can I fix this?

I've tried Inject Intel in the Graphics section and ig-platform-id 0x0d220003. I haven't done FakeID because RehabMan said HD 4600 doesn't need it.

i7 4790RX

470 (working fine but only one port so I had to use the motherboard iGPU for second display)

HD 4600

Steam Application (also happens on boot)

Author: @microtruong