Hackintosh only boots sometimes

My Specs: Dell XPS 15 9550, 4k Touch, 512gb, 16gb

So I installed hackintosh using this tutorial: https://github.com/wmchris/DellXPS15-9550-OSX Almost everything is working fine.

But it only boots 1 out of 10 times. The 2 different errors I get are: "Couldn't allocate runtime area" and "error loading kernel cache (0x9)"

I tried to use the following boot arguments:


"Slide=53" (calculated based on this tutorial: https://github.com/wmchris/DellXPS15-9550-OSX/blob/master/Additional/slide_calc.md)


Switching between slide=0 and 53, and not using the arguments, multiple times allows me to boot about 1 in 10 times.

Does anyone know what the error could be and how I could fix it? Thanks!

Sry for the formatting, since I can't boot, I'm on mobile ;)

submitted by /u/WUSYF
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