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Hardware: Motherboard: Intel Desktop Board DH67GD CPU: Intel i7-2600K iGPU: Intel HD Graphics 3000 SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB Config.plist: Here So, I have a current Hackintosh working absolutely flawless, but my GPU is a GTX 1080 Ti, so I'm stuck on High Sierra. I originally decided to use the iGPU and go Mojave or Catalina on that system but remembered that I had an older motherboard laying around that is Hackintosh compatible, the Intel Desktop Board DH67GD with the i7-2600K. I wanted to go vanilla and tried doing so, but there were just too many hurdles that I couldn't find answers to in regards to specific motherboard/CPU clover settings and it wouldn't let me boot into Clover at all. So, I ended up using RehabMan's guide for the exact same hardware that I own (except for the SSD) and installed Mojave/booted into the OS, without using any beast tools as they are not required in his guide, so it's kind of a vanilla install, I just used his config.plist and his kexts. After a reboot though, I couldn't boot past Clover and I tried everything, I tried reinstalling but I couldn't boot into the installer anymore even though my Clover settings/EFI folder were the exact same, nothing was changed. I ended up installing Catalina on my current working Hack and put that SSD in the DH67GD machine and I booted into Catalina without any problems, the OS worked exactly as it should. After rebooting though, the same thing happened, I can't boot into the OS (or the installer) anymore. I've tried setting my EFI folder up from scratch again, I've tried following the Vanilla install guide while using RehabMan's config.plist, I've tried booting with different boot args. Nothing. I wondered if something was written into the kernel cache/Clover EFI or settings, whenever I was able to make those first boots, It's definitely a Kernel problem as it always gets stuck/reboot at something with "kernel" in verbose, so I tried booting with -f usekernelcache=no, but still, it reboots. Whenever I boot without any args (except for verbose) I get the: "Error allocating Error allocating 0xa00 pages at 0x0000000004a00000 alloc type 2" (different args and config.plists give me variations of this) "Error loading kernel cache (0x9)" "Boot failed; will sleep for 10 seconds before exiting..." If I boot with usekernelcache=no it boots till about halfway through the Apple logo and then reboots. Using usekernelcache=no, -v, debug=0x100 and keepsyms=1 I can see that it gets stuck at this: Processing img xtgqpf8qb9w31... I really want to learn here and understand what the problem is, so any experienced Hackintosh pro or even someone completely new but with suggestions, out there that can help would be much appreciated!! [link] [comments] |

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