Mac Pro 3.1

Hey Mates, I do own an Mac Pro 3.1 since a Year or so - first its specs: 2x 2.8 GHz Quad- Core 8GB RAM And now to the Troublemaker Gtx 660 Ti As you may realise soon - I’m not a tech pro 😅 but it’s fun to do such things and give those old machines new life!

Last night I tried to edit some Photos - sadly I realised I do have some really bad Graphics glitches - I know it’s not a supported Mac and the graphics card isn’t the optimal choice - but I don’t have another one expect the original ATI Radeon HD 2600! So I decided to upgrade from High Sierra to Catalina - sadly same problem but a little less! The glitches don’t appear while normal usage like using safari or Bridge only in photoshop and only in some parts like on the sidebar (not in the pro tire itself). I’ve read a lot about my graphics card in unsupported macs - and it seems like the Ti should work ... Is there anything I missed or should try to fix it? It’s sitting in slot 1. The glitches do get worth over time - at first I had none - now I barely can’t read a word on my sidebar. Is it due to cooling or is it just my unsupported Mac?

submitted by /u/Prediculus
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