Catalina 10.15.1 WiFi problem


i installed on macOS 10.15.1 on my HP EliteBook 9470M. Somehow the WiFi card needs 2-3 Minute (it’s greyed out) until it is able to connect to a WiFi. (Bluetooth has no issues) I had no problem on Mojave .

My kext file which I’m using right now: - AirportBrcmFixup - BrcmBluetoothInjector - BrcmFirmwareData - BrcmPatchRAM2 - CodecCommander - HDMIAudio - IntelMausiEthernet - Lilu - USBInjectAll - VirtualSMC - VoodooHDA - VoodooPS2Controller - WhateverGreen

WiFi + BT card: BCM94352HMB

Edit: Cannot connect to a WiFi.

Had someone the same issue?

Author: @HeyWatchOutDude