Hey all,
I'm looking for an education on patching firmware. Resources, help, advice, or nothing at all.
Im inspired by u/osy86's NUC build. I think it's incredible. Through reading it over and over again I've got great thunderbolt behavior. I can hotswap like before, but also use TB devices from a cold boot. Lovely. We could stop there but that’s not the spirit.
So far I've pulled the TB Firmware Update from the OS Mojave installer and also found the Asus ThunderbotltEX3 fimeware file and can view them side by side. I don't actually know what to look for. I can see where they're similar or just a value off, and then where there's simply more information in the MAC one. So that's a start.
My goal is to patch the Mac one in hopes that the Asus updater (ran in Windows) will take the modified version and we can all get closer to native TB. There's also the thorutil.efi which I know nothing about as well.
Does anyone have a starting point or want to help?
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