Yoga 730 i5 8265u: backlight control vs max brightness

I recently installed macOS on my yoga 730 all the essentials like usb, graphics acceleration, audio, etc work but I’ve been having so much trouble with the backlight. I’ve found that if I enable AddPNLF, Intelbacklight and maxintelbacklight in my config plist I get backlight control from system preferences but the max brightness is like 1/4 of the actual max brightness. I’ve tried disabling AddPNLF and using the SSDT PNLF patch. This works and gives me full brightness but no control at all just stuck at full. I tried with out any patch which seems to have the same effect as using the SSDT patch. I’ve been tinkering with it and following different guides for the last week or so and feel like I’m getting no where. Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)

submitted by /u/pierce_loaf
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