Windows 10 updated still something to sorry about?

Edit: ah, shit. Autocorrect wrote my title. Should be “Windows 10 updates still something to worry about?”

I know that this is a very common question, but I feel like you always get various answers to it depending on when the question was asked.

I’ll soon build my first Hackintosh and I’m planning to make a dual boot of Windows 10 and macOS on two separate NVMe drives. I’ll start with installing Windows as that seems to be recommended in the sidebar guide. And the connect the NVMe drive meant for macOS and install that when Windows is done.

Are there any updated observations regarding when Windows 10 updates itself? Is that still a potential risk with it overwriting the EFI partition of the macOS drive or how is that working nowadays? Unplugging or deactivating the macOS drive in the BIOS when using Windows would be very tiresome, so if there still is a problem it would be great to know how to prevent it otherwise.

Maybe an answer to this question could be mentioned in the dual boot sidebar guide?

submitted by /u/tobey_g
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