Hi guys!
So I've been trying to set up my perfect media center using a NUC8i3BEK. This is definitely not my first build, but it is my first build where I haven't specifically picked the individual hardware parts.
So far: I haven't even got the installer running.
I'm using this guide: https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-intel-nuc7-nuc8-using-clover-uefi-nuc7i7bxx-nuc8i7bxx-etc.261711/
Though it isn't a guide specific for the NUC8i3BEK, it worked for someone according to: https://www.reddit.com/r/hackintosh/comments/b9im6o/success_my_first_hackintosh_intel_nuc8i3bek_small/
I'm using the config.plist from RehabMan's NUC8 project and after failing a 100 times I've made my own using a previously successful vanilla guide.
My NUC8 has a 8gb ram Kingston SODIMM and an ADATA M2 120GB SSD.
This my current EFI drive:
To be honest, I'm so far in failing now, that I I'm not even sure anymore what's on the EFI. Whether I'm using VirtualSMC or FakeSMC, it all doesn't seem to matter.
My installer halts just after [PCI Configuration End]. I think I'm having issues with starting up the iGPU. But to be honest, I'm clueless and I'm not even that much of a rookie.
Any help would be much appreciated because I know this thing can be hackintoshed and I really don't want to run a Windows on my TV. Will send cookies to the guy who can help me. No matter where you live!
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