Plugging and/or unplugging usb peripherals wakes system from sleep

This has been an issue for my hack for as long as I can remember and I kind of just threw it on the backburner of things to figure out later.

The issue (more of an annoyance really) is that if my hack is asleep, and I unplug (or plug in) say a mouse or keyboard my machine will wake from sleep.

I currently have a SSDT for USB in my Clover patched directory and all my USB ports are working correctly. Also validated my USB power settings via corpnewt's USBMap program.

Does anyone else have this issue and if so how did you fix it?

Obligatory System Info

  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
  • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580
  • Clover version: 5093
  • macOS version: Latest Catalina (With recent supplementary update)


  • AppleALC.kext - v1.4.3
  • IntelMausiEthernet.kext - v2.5.0
  • Lilu.kext - v1.3.9
  • SMCProcessor.kext - v1.0.8
  • SMCSuperIO.kext - v1.0.8
  • USBInjectAll.kext - v0.7.1
  • VirtualSMC.kext - v1.0.8
  • WhateverGreen.kext - v1.3.3

SSDT Patches

  • SSDT-EC-USBX.aml
  • SSDT-UIAC.aml

UEFI Drivers

  • ApfsDriverLoader.efi
  • AptioMemoryFix.efi
  • HFSPlus.efi
  • VirtualSmc.efi
submitted by /u/theofficialLlama
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