Odd request: Need help finding a specific guide

This question really belongs on r/tipofmytongue as it’s not really a hackintosh question.

Basically I got my AMD machine to work as a Hackintosh a few months ago using a guide someone on this sub linked me to since the Vanilla one wasn’t working. Unfortunately my SSD died and I need to reinstall.

The guide was for 10.14.

I cannot for the life of me remember what site the guide was on. I’ve been scrolling through my search history for hours and cannot find it.

The site had a black background and was not a forum post rather a dedicated site. I think the guide had something to do with a Hackintosh Discord? Also it was made by someone who made a video explaining it as well.

Again, really odd request. Hope someone here can help me out :)

Edit: I should add I can’t look at my Reddit post history as it was on my old account that I deleted.

submitted by /u/ziggyo3
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