New Mojave Hackintosh Can't Wake Screen After Sleep

I've had my first Mojave Hackintosh up and running for about a week and almost have everything working smoothly but I've run into a small problem with sleep. If I let my display sleep I can't seem to connect to it again after wake. What's weird is that my computer never really seems to sleep (the Mobo lights stay on and the fans stay spinning), and when I try to wake it from sleep the screen actually turns on, but it just stays black and then says no signal and turns off again. So the computer seems to be getting input from the keyboard telling it to wake up, and the screen seems to be getting a wake signal, but the screen isn't getting any input from the computer.

I've tested this with my screen plugged into both HDMI slots in my graphics card and into the HDMI slot on the back of my Mobo IO.

Nothing works short of a hard restart of my computer by long-pressing the power button.

I've found that if I keep my screensaver on and don't allow the display to sleep my computer stays awake and stable the whole time.

What can I do to enable my computer to be able to sleep the display and wake it up again without any problems?

My Hardware:

  • Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro
  • Intel i7-9700K
  • Sapphire Radeon RX580 (8GB)
  • Ballistix Sport LT (2x16GB)
  • Samsung 860 EVO (500GB)

My Drivers

  • ApfsDriverLoader.efi
  • AptioMemoryFix.efi
  • HFSPlus.efi

My Kexts

  • AppleALC.kext
  • HibernationFixup.kext (trying to fix this sleep issue but doesn't seem to help)
  • IntelMausiEthernet.kext
  • Lili.kext
  • SMCProcessor.kext
  • SMCSuperIO.kext
  • USBInjectAll.kext
  • VirtualSMC.kext
  • WhateverGreen.kext
  • XHCI-unsupported.kext


BIOS Windows 8/10 Features: Other OS

Peripherals USB Configuration XHCI Hand-off: Enabled

Chipset Internal Graphics: Enabled

My config.plist

submitted by /u/wwants
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