Most Stable / Headache Free Hackintosh In Rackmount Server?

Looking at rackmount server form factor. 1-4U options.

Stuffing a desktop in a rack shelf is not an option.

Have built my own stuff quite a bit, but have to many projects on the burner and wanted to check compatibility on existing designs.

I built a hackintosh maybe 5 or so years ago and it was pretty rough going. I’m not sure how much things have changed, but want to minimize the amount I have to screw around and bandaid things.

So, off the shelf compatibility, minimal upgrade snafus, and rack mount form factor the most operative criteria. Having a full front panel of hot swap would also be nice.

Looking to find something used relatively cheap, but I’m not expecting miracles. Not something too ancient with flamethrower processors. Trash can model or newer.

submitted by /u/orangeacidorange
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