Hey all, been in the Hackintosh scene for a minute, since the iAtkos days, had several builds / laptops but have always been able to follow a guide to get it working and never patched DSDTs or anything that complex. I have a Asus UX305CA laptop and tried following this guide (https://www.Tonymacx86/threads/guide-asus-ux305ca-uhd.197229) but only get as far as the install being complete and booting but can never get the trackpad or many of the functions patching a DSDT would enable. If anyone can help me in this or provide me the files required to get it fully working I'll happily send you a few bucks, via PayPal, for your time! I've already replaced the wireless card with a DW1820A that i had in my previous Hackintosh laptop.

hi is this offer still out