Will this cheap pc work for hackintosh?

Hi guys,

Yesterday I posted about my failed hackintosh project, and I said I wanted to start a new one.

I'm looking for something relatively cheap, because I will only need it for word writing apps and web browsing. I don't need the latest OS, Sierra will do the job too. This is the pc I found: https://www.ebay.it/itm/PC-COMPUTER-DESKTOP-FISSO-HP-8000-TOWER-RICONDIZIONATO-CORE-2-DUO-RAM-4GB-160GB/362694327326?hash=item5472443c1e:g:6RgAAOSwE1JdIFFo

Will this work? It's a HP 8000 Tower. It has core 2 duo E8400 (is E8400 supported for hackintosh?) and it has an integrated graphics card. Since the gpu will not be compatible, I will buy one (I was thinking about the GT 710) but I'm scared that I can't install graphics card. Does this pc have support for adding a graphics card? Will it work for hackintosh?

Thank you all so much. Sorry for the italian ebay btw! (I'm not sure if the flair is right as well, sorry if it isn't)

submitted by /u/m4nueloso
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